Wednesday, January 21, 2009

This I believe

I believe that in this ever changing and evolving world, students now have more opportunities to learn than ever, and that as an educator, it is my responsibility to utilize these opportunities so that they are not lost. As I look around the classes I have attended and the classes I am currently observing and teaching, I see so many opportunities that weren't available even a few years ago. Technology and the ability to have the world at your finger tips is a huge advantage to students right now, in 2009. Students crave knowledge; it is a natural desire for the human brain to learn and be challenged. Students lose this desire over time from being bored to tears in classes where teachers fail to utilize the students modern technological tools - everything from computers to phones can be used in the classroom. Instead, so often, what I see is teachers who are absolutely adamant that the use of these things in the classroom should be prohibited. I believe it should be encouraged. If students are expected to be excited about learning, educators have to meet them where they can understand, create, and grow. If I want to connect to my students, I need to use means which are relevant, as well as content. What better way to relate an assignment to a student than to use tools that they love? What a great way to capture their attention, with technologies that they are excited about, that they have an innate desire to learn about. Sit a student down with a book and watch his eyes glaze over, but sit him down in front of a computer and watch him come to life. There, on that computer, are endless books of knowledge. He can find anything he desires. He can research any topic, and he can create countless numbers of different projects for learning. We have graduated from a level of education that is stuck on pen and paper. We are moving into a world that will never stay the same. Type something into google, search a video on youtube, tivo your favorite discovery channel show. I believe it is simple to use the technology at hand. Teachers are the most useful tool to learning for the students, and next is the great array of technology that is available to us today.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad to see that you are embracing technology in your statement. After last semester I was afraid that everyone was turned off of technology. I love that you were discussing technology not only as a tool for learning but a tool for motivating students. Although it is sometimes difficult to keep ahead of technology, as teachers we are life long learners. I can see that you are dedicated to using and learning from technology. Because of that I challenge you to be a model for your students as well as your professional peers in this arena. I am looking forward to read your next blog.

    Dr. Mathews
